Tri County Blog – Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s Disease Caregivers

From Boca Raton to Hollywood, Our Florida Home Health Agency Is Here To Assist You and Your Loved Ones

Parkinson’s disease is a disease of the brain that can lead to shaking, trouble with a patient’s balance, problems walking, and general coordination. Parkinson’s effects normally start slowly and the patient deteriorates over time. As Parkinson’s advances, individuals may experience issues speaking and walking.

While during the early stages, someone with Parkinson’s is able to deal with life’s issues as well as most other people, as the disease progresses dealing with simple things in life may require assistance. This can cause a strain on the patients loved ones and those around them.

The experienced members of the Tri-County Home Care team are able to provide a number of services to ease the strain on all concerned. From homemakers to companions. From live-in aides to Respite care. From Home health aides to nurses to individual patient care. What our experience has shown is that there are several precautionary steps that can help a patient with Parkinson’s.

  • Insure the home is safe for the patient. This means extra care needs to be taken to insure every room in the house is properly set up for the patient.
  • Independence helps the mental aspect of Parkinson’s. Some patients can go years without having debilitating issues so independence is an important aspect of their care.
  • The patient and their family should understand that as time goes by the ability to function independently will deteriorate. The later stages of Parkinson’s is when a trained professional can ease the experience of the patient and their loved ones.
  • When help is needed, do not feel overwhelmed. Ask for assistance from your doctor or a trained home health care provider like Tri-Care Home Care.

At Tri-County Home Care the professional and trained staff at our Boca Raton and Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood offices are committed to insure every patient is treated with respect, understanding and proper care.

All our home care services are provided with the care and attention to detail you would expect from experienced, caring and competent professionals. Every patient is treated with the understanding being we are here to make life for every patient and every family member feel as comfortable as possible as the effects of Parkinson’s progresses.

Our goal is to insure the highest possible levels of comfort, dignity and care possible in the familiar surroundings of the patient’s or family’s home. Whether a minimal time commitment or 24/7 care, our licensed, certified and bonded staff understand the needs of every Parkinson’s patient and their families.

From initial contact and every step of the way, Tri-County Home Care is here for you and your loved ones. Contact us today (561-922-9178 or click here.